I build clean, modern, and functional interfaces which comply with the latest web standards. Beautiful graphics and website design, also offering advertisement design, branding, logos, print collateral, business cards and brochures. Innovative web design with css, flash animation, content management systems, and search engine optimization for website design and website search engine optimization, and website marketing, linking Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you have any questions please do send me an email at info@enid-design.com or use the Contact Form, it’s much easier!


I specialize in web design and development work, like:

- User Interface Design: for websites, applications.
- Custom logo design and branding solutions.
- CSS/xHTML/JS/PHP Coding: pixel perfect, cross-browser compatible, valid and semantic.
- SEO Optimization: with clean, search-engine friendly code with-
  all the "heading" and "alt tags" in the right places.
- 3D: modeling, animation, lighting.
- Programing Language: C++, Delphi.

About This Website

This website was designed and developed by Enid Colic using HTML, CSS, PHP, jQUERY and JavaScript, handcoded in Adobe Dreamweaver.